If you're trying to register for classes, massages or the pot luck this Saturday, you do that on our Yahoo Group. (Sorry, everyone, we don't have the message board up quite yet.)
Here's how:
Go here for our Home Page:
If you have a Yahoo ID, you can join the group by clicking on the blue JOIN THIS GROUP button on the right side of the screen.
If you don't have a Yahoo ID, you will need to create a Yahoo id first. Its free and you just associate it with your regular email address. There is a button to register with Yahoo on our home page, or you can:
GO here to create an ID:
Once, you've joined the group, click on the DATABASE option in the navigation bar to the left.
For MASSAGES, click on the table, then choose a time in that table and click Edit Record. You can then put your name in the name field.
For CLASSES, choose the table and then ADD a record to put your name on the list. Be sure to include your Yahoo ID, so that I can contact you about any materials you may need to bring.
If you have questions, please email me: allison@circles-salon.com or call 617-524-5500.
See you Saturday!