Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Knit in the New Year

For many of us, New Year's Day marks the end of the 'holiday season'. It is a time to look back at what has passed and dream of the possibilities ahead. Though different calendars mark the New Year on different days, celebrating the New Year has been a tradition throughout the world for as long as anyone can recall. For all the differences we find amongst cultures, the New Year's communal feast is a thread that connects us all.

Why feasts? Giving each other gifts, especially the gift of food in the cold of winter, is to wish for a bountiful year . Bringing food across a threshold symbolizes the beginning an auspicious year.

So, please bring an offering for the table and sit with us while we knit in a new year of joy and prosperity together. We look forward to seeing you there.

PS: Go to our Yahoo group database to let us know what you're bringing to the pot luck.

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