Saturday, December 31, 2005

First Circle of the Year

Sunday circle will begin, as usual, at 10am. In this first circle of 2006, we will invite an auspicious new year with 30 minutes of silent knitting.

To honor the silence please observe the following if you enter between 10 & 10:30:
  • Put outer wear and non-knitting items down outside the sitting room.
  • Have your knitting out and ready to go.
  • Remove yarn from bags that rustle.
  • Turn off all cell phones.
  • Be sure to make silent greetings. (We create a connected circle by acknowledging one another.)
  • Enjoy the silence. Its always over before you know it!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Knit in the New Year

For many of us, New Year's Day marks the end of the 'holiday season'. It is a time to look back at what has passed and dream of the possibilities ahead. Though different calendars mark the New Year on different days, celebrating the New Year has been a tradition throughout the world for as long as anyone can recall. For all the differences we find amongst cultures, the New Year's communal feast is a thread that connects us all.

Why feasts? Giving each other gifts, especially the gift of food in the cold of winter, is to wish for a bountiful year . Bringing food across a threshold symbolizes the beginning an auspicious year.

So, please bring an offering for the table and sit with us while we knit in a new year of joy and prosperity together. We look forward to seeing you there.

PS: Go to our Yahoo group database to let us know what you're bringing to the pot luck.