Monday, October 03, 2005

After the Knit Out

I spent the day yesterday at the Boston Knit Out and Crochet.

It was a beautiful, sunny but not too hot, afternoon. I coordinated the Learn to Knit & Crochet tables. We were in the shade, which made things very pleasant and just cool enough to throw on light sweaters and ponchos! It was a joy to see all the people learning to knit and crochet. We had an impressive arrary of adults, kindergartners and seniors, along with a slew of teens and pre-teens. As always, its such a pleasure to see people who claim they have "no coordination" grasp the basics and go away excited about a newfound skill set.

I missed all the other activities, but it was fun to see familiar faces along with the new ones. Linda Roghaar was heading up the crew (our beloved Janet Blowney, among them) from the new Knit Lit the Third. Lucy Lee from Mind's Eye Yarns was keeping everything together wearing her stunning tiara. Danielle Miller, our incomparable crochet and Magic Loop Knitting instructor was in the Charity Tent. I know many of the other shop owners were there, but I didn't get a chance to go to the vendors tent. I hope it was a good day for them.

All in all, it was a lovely afternoon and it felt like the knitting season has been officially launched. (Maybe we should have it earlier next year!)

Knit Along Now

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