Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sponsoring the Knitting Olympics

Knitting Olympics Logo
So, have you heard of the Knitting Olympics. Only the Yarn Harlot could create such a knitting frenzy. Knitters everywhere are diving into their Olympic trial workouts to prepare for the opening ceremonies on February 10th.

And now you can join Team Boston. When you do, you can get a 10% discount on the materials for your project. 15% on the day of the opening ceremonies. (We figure you'll need a little relief from all that "Oh, how did this day get here so soon" pre-competition anxiety at that point.)

Knitter's start your needles......


Stitchy McYarnpants said...

Wow! Thank you SO much, Allison! What a generous way to support the team!! I just don't have enough exclamation points to express my appreciation!!!! I guess now I have to actually settle on a project and head to JP.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a rocking idea, Allison!

Perhaps now I'll have to reconsider my idea to use up stash yarn.


Anonymous said...

Hey this is a great idea!! I'm using stash yarn, however

(Once I knock of this project, I can buy more yarn--yippee!!)